Trip By: LEAMIS International Ministries
Location: Kenya, Eastern Africa
When: Customizable: Jan-Nov 2019
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Your love for cooking can bring new recipes and improve nutrition. New food preservation ideas help avoid waste and save money for the poor.
Would you try a new recipe if there was only enough food to feed your child one meal a day?
What if someone could teach you how to create nutritious and delicious meals with no risk to either food or budget?
You can use cooking as a tangible way of sharing God’s love and help deal with malnutrition among the poor in developing nations.
A basic workshop on cooking, nutrition, and food preservation can have a huge impact on the people living in the community where you will be working.
In addition to improving nutrition, participants also share ideas on how to make and market items such as jam and jellies.
Cottage industries can be developed by the local church as a means of meeting the needs of the congregation and as a way of providing an outreach ministry as the local church teaches workshops in other communities.
Through such projects, LEAMIS promotes transformational development by empowering local pastors and believers with the tools and resources they need to impact their communities for Christ. The goal is to multiply the impact by empowering local persons to share what they know with others rather than depending on outside help.
Transformation addresses the spiritual need of recovering our true identity as humans created in the image of God and restoring relationships with God, ourselves, our community and the environment.
Development speaks to discovering our true vocation as productive stewards, faithfully caring for the world and all the people in it. As such, we seek to assist others in developing self-sustaining means to achieve this.