Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association (OREA) produces 52 weekly television and radio programs, and 260 daily television programs to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the United States and throughout the world. These programs reach an estimated 800,000 per week. OREA sponsors a nightly healing program, Something Good Tonight – The Hour of Healing, with Richard and Lindsay Roberts; and a daily program, Make Your Day Count, hosted by Lindsay Roberts. In addition to conducting a mail ministry, crusades and seminars, OREA distributes copies of bi-monthly and quarterly magazines, books, tracts and booklets, audio and video tape recordings, and other religious materials containing messages of Christian inspiration and teaching.
Website: portal1.oru.edu:7777/pls/portal/ORMCCMGR.DYN_ORM_HOME_2.show
Address: 7777 South Lewis Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74171