The Center for the Study of Popular Culture, now in its second decade of activity, is dedicated to defending the cultural foundations of a free society, a task made even more pressing by the attack on America of September 11th, the Iraq conflict and the internal opponents of freedom this attack has revealed. Today the Center has 40,000 contributing supporters and an online journal, FrontPage Magazine, which is visited 1.7 million times a month and is linked to 2,064 other websites according to the web rating service, In the last year alone, the Center has distributed half a million books and pamphlets on the war on terror, the Middle East crisis and the anti-American left. In the same interval, its principal, David Horowitz has presented the Center’s message on more than 500 radio and TV programs reaching tens of millions of Americans.
Address: 4401 Wilshire Drive 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010