The acronym ‘CHOICE’ stands for the Center for Humanitarian Outreach and Intercultural Exchange. CHOICE Humanitarian offers solutions to the hardships of poverty in the rural villages of the world with simple technologies, self-help initiatives and public awareness. Since 1982 CHOICE has provided guidance for thousands of projects around the world. Hundreds of volunteer expeditions have been the catalyst for positive change in tens of thousands of lives. On CHOICE expeditions, volunteers work side-by-side with villagers on specific projects the villagers need, want, and will be able to sustain after CHOICE participants depart. Typically, CHOICE projects include building schoolhouses, health posts, greenhouses, wells, pumps and water systems. CHOICE also provides training in literacy, health care, agriculture and small-scale enterprises.
Address: 7879 South 1530 West Suite 200
West Jordan, UT 84088