Operation Bootstrap Africa

Operation Bootstrap Africa (OBA) is a Minnesota-based inter-denominational organization dedicated to helping people help themselves in a variety of educational programs in Africa. OBA began its mission of service in Tanzania in the mid-1960’s, being incorporated in 1965. OBA has since participated in the successful completion of more than 2,250 classrooms in self-help partnership with the people and government of Tanzania. Select primary health projects such as Selian Lutheran Hospital near Arusha, Tanzania were added to OBA’s projects in 1990. In recent years, OBA has expanded into Madagascar, Zimbabwe and The Gambia, always working on self-help partnership agreements, in response to requests for assistance.

Website: operationbootstrapafrica.org
Email: info@operationbootstrapafrica.org
Address: 122 West Franklin Avenue Suite 206
Minneapolis, MN 55404