Tiger Haven

Established in 1991, Tiger Haven works to rescue those great cats who have been abused, confiscated, or are in danger of being destroyed for lack of a suitable home, and to provide them with a permanent home and stress-free environment; to provide assistance to those big cat owners in the safe and humane keeping of big cats; to educate the public in the plight of the big cats in captivity; and to assist in the preservation of all species of great cats. Tiger Haven is a sanctuary – a safe place for the great cats, and also a rescue facility. We cooperate with and assist state and federal regulatory agencies, police departments, animal welfare organizations, and the cats’ owners with the objective of making a better home that is safe for both the cats and the public.

Website: tigerhaven.org
Email: tigerfriends@tigerhaven.org
Address: 237 Harvey Road
Kingston, TN 37763