The United Council of Churches (UCC) is a community of Christian denominations that covenant to engage in a common ministry focused on church unity and spiritual transformation through the integral mission for Pakistan’s most vulnerable residents, and revitalizing congregations.
The UCC is registered with government of Pakistan under the Trusts Act 1882. It is a community of churches on the way to visible unity in Eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ. It seeks to advance towards this unity, as Jesus prayed for his followers, “so that the world may believe.” (John 17:21)
UCC has 108 member churches from Islamabad. UCC believes that all believers are missionaries. According to the National Census 2017, the Christians make up the largest minority group in Pakistan that represents about 1.6% of the population. The Christian community in Pakistan is living below the poverty line which makes it difficult for them to think beyond bread and butter. Christians lack influence. In many cases, the Christians are poor and viewed as the ‘lowest of the low’. They are likely to have limited influence and do not have good access to decision-makers. That is a huge barrier to cross. They own perceptions of the situation, their fear, and their lack of confidence means that they hesitate to advocate. They view themselves as powerless and do not recognize any power (even if it is only small) they do have. In such circumstances, there is a dire need to focus on the Christian community to build a better physical and spiritual image of Christians in Pakistan so that they may be empowered to influence the majority community and contribute positively in the national development of the country.
We envision fellowship, unity and spiritual transformation of all churches and ministries across Pakistan through integral mission.
The overarching mission of the United Council of Churches is “to pray and work together for the unity, spiritual transformation and holistic development of the church in Pakistan”.
Core Values:
Transparency and Accountability
Thematic Areas:
Church Development
Pastoral Care
Children and Youth Development
Women Empowerment
Prevention of Drug Abuse
Crosscutting Thematic Areas:
Gender and Development
Environment Protection
Networking, Coordination and Collaboration
Address: Malik Complex, 80 East, Unit No. 3, Basement (Left), Viridi Hotel, Near Tehzeeb Bakers, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area
Islamabad, Pakistan
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