William Byrd Community House

For more than 80 years, William Byrd Community House (WBCH) has been quietly reaching out to help in ways that are not always easy to see, unless you look closely and listen carefully to stories from real people who have been encouraged, motivated and redirected- members of our community who are on their way to lives full of hope, promise and purpose. We operate on a core belief that people who are helped to remain self-reliant will be more likely to succeed in life, and go on to activate change within their families and communities. Today WBCH offers 24 programs for all age groups, infants to senior citizens. Each program is designed to help individuals, families, and neighborhood groups learn to draw on their strengths to build better lives and a healthy community.

Website: wbch.org
Email: doffice@wbch.org
Address: 224 South Cherry Street
Richmond, VA 23220