East Timor: Literature and Media Producer

Trip By: WEC International
Location: East Timor, Southeastern Asia
When: Customizable: Jan, May, Jun or Sep 2019
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Resources ministry (video making, book translation, bible studies production)

Do you have a creative flair. Do you possess training and skills in media production? Do you have a knack for writing meaningful relevant Bible studies? Would you like to try?

The Evangelical church in East Timor is small and lack a voice. Attempts by evangelicals groups to aid and assist local people are often met with opposition by local priests. They warn against associating with evangelicals or attending their gatherings.

The hearts of the people however are slowly being warmed; trust is being built. Children and Youth clubs have reached into many communities and through these, TV programs of the children doing dance and gospel drama have been produced and shown on Dili Television.

Help give a voice to the local church.

Innovative people to produce children and youth resources are needed. People with technical and production skills are actively being sought to capture these moments so that they might be widely shared. Worker are needed to produce materials that represent the true heart of the Gospel. Use your skills to assist in the production of ministry resources.