Global Builders Construction Trip to India

Trip By: The Fuller Center for Housing
Location: India, Southern Asia
When: Customizable: Jan-May or Jul-Dec 2019
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Spend 1-2 weeks experiencing the world, meeting new people, and making a difference. You’ll love working alongside locals as you help to build a safe, decent home for a family.

India is home to 170 million people who live in slum conditions which is roughly 17 percent of the world’s slum dwellers. The Fuller Center is building safe, decent, and affordable homes in the state of Kerala which is a land full of rivers and backwaters, beautiful enough to host a honeymoon. The people here are living in thatched huts, shacks with asbestos roofs, temporary sheds, or rented homes with insufficient amenities.

Participants will have the unique opportunity to work side by side with the homeowners and other locals to build these new homes. The homes being built are made of burnt bricks or cement blocks with the roof made of reinforced cement concrete. In addition to providing safe housing, these trips provide locals with jobs, help support the local economy and create a life-changing experience for all involved.

If you have a heart for combining service, traveling and experiencing new cultures than this trip is for you!

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