Internship: Radio Ministry in Mali

Trip By: WorldVenture
Location: Mali, Western Africa
When: Customizable: Jan-Dec 2019
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Help accelerate the growth of the church among a least evangelized people in southern Mali through radio.

Help accelerate the growth of the church among a least evangelized people in southern Mali through radio.


Spiritually sensitive, growing in your relationship with the Lord, friendly, willing to live in hot, at times humid and dusty conditions. At least a college degree or more education and some radio or technical/computer training or experience. Willing to grow, develop, learn and be stretched beyond what you could imagine, open to long-term service, willing to travel, take risks, live in hard places, sleep out in villages, mix with the people, if invited be open to stay a second year.

*Must be a US Citizen or US Permanent Resident.


Assist missionaries and national church development by encouraging church development through radio. Live in rural town setting, study language consistently for the first three months, encourage, minister together with national leadership under the coaching of long-term missionaries. Learn and develop radio skills. Do some training in your areas of expertise.


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Senoufo, French or Bambara


Dry tropics. Live in village housing with some electricity, challenging internet access, tropical fruits and vegetables in season. Even though the living conditions may take some adjusting to, the people are very welcoming and interested in what you have to offer.


Radio is one of three proven & very effective outreach strategies. The national media ministry team produces materials for over 50 radio stations in West Africa. Both missionaries & nationals will coach you some but also give you lots of space to succeed through God’s leading & the Holy Spirit’s working.

