Trip By: Teen Missions International
Location: Uganda, Eastern Africa
When: June 15 to August 2, 2019
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Your destination for the summer is Uganda, the “Pearl of Africa,” located on the eastern part of the continent.
Travel: From Orlando, you fly to Charlotte, North Carolina, and then on to New York City. Your connecting flight will take you to Nairobi, Kenya, and then to
Entebbe, Uganda. From Entebbe, you will travel by bus to the Teen Missions International base in Jinja. You will spend a day or two purchasing supplies and preparing for your 10-hour bus ride to the northern area of Uganda, at the border of South Sudan and the Congo. Your destination is the Teen Missions base in Koboko.
Ministry: Your project will be to bless the many AIDS orphans in the area with a new pair of shoes and socks. Washing their feet will allow you time to connect with them and tell them about the hope of Jesus Christ. The basic first-aid training you will receive at Boot Camp will better equip you to meet the needs of those who come for help. Your team will use drama, puppets and songs to share the Gospel with the people in the area. When the team is at the base, you will help with various work projects and ministries.
Adventure: As you travel through Uganda, you may spot monkeys, elephants, antelope and giraffe. You will cross the Nile River many times! You will also have the opportunity to take a boat ride to the source of the Nile River, the longest river in the world. Bartering for wood carvings, clothing, tea and many more local items in the market will allow you to take home memorable souvenirs.